This post is hard for me to write. I don’t like to air my dirty laundry publicly, and it’s hard to talk about our “faults”. But I really think anxiety has become a very common trait for all of us to overcome. A Tedx Talk recently taught me that “one in every four to five kids meets the criteria for a serious mental health disorder, and of those disorders, the largest was axiety disorders” (Bite Size Mindfulness). This staggering statistic made me realize how important it is to find ways to overcome anxiety, not only for myself, but for the future generation.
I post a lot of “pretty pictures” and tell you all about the fun things we get to do- but I want you to know that I am right with the next person when it comes to the daily silent struggle. Without going into any details, I’ll just say we’ve faced our fair share of stress over the last few years. While I still think our life is technically pretty easy and I feel so fortunate to have a great home life, a wonderful support system, and many other blessings, sometimes I get focused on the negatives. For me, this causes some serious anxiety and overwhelmed feelings.
Recently, someone close to me told me they went on medication for anxiety- an antidepressent. That was a serious lightbulb moment for me. You mean it’s not normal to feel so anxious? There is help for that? I didn’t feel depressed- I had more good days than bad. I was still functioning. I told myself that depressed people can’t even get up in the morning, so I was definitly not depressed. But feeling anxious? Oh yeah. I got that one down pretty good. So why wasn’t I getting help for it?
Instead of calling my doctor right away, I wanted to try some simple and natural remedies. First, I knew I needed to get to the root of it all. I had a serious soul searching moment to find out why I was feeling so anxious. The takeaways? I didn’t feel like I was being the best mom that I could be. I was feeling like I never had any energy or time to recharge (classic introvert over here), which I in turn blamed Lucy for, which made me feel like an even worse mom. I felt like the house was always messy yet I never had time to clean it, I was unorganized, and always rushed. Well, how can I combat those issues? Pretty easily, to be honest!
These little healthy habits have made a huge impact in my life to make me a more calm person – I’m sure they could benefit those who don’t battle anxiety, too!
Wake Up Earlier:
I started waking up an hour earlier than usual so I can shower, get dressed and ready for the day, and then have quiet time to read and meditate while I sip my coffee by the fire before anyone in the house is even up. Even on the weekends! 5:30 am has become my favorite time of day- sounds crazy, I know. Making sure that I’m filling my cup before I take care of anyone else has been the number one help for me.
Use a Planner:
The feelings of unorganization and even a messy house have been helped with my recent planner purchase. I write everything down that I want to get done- I mean EVERYTHING! Crossing things off the list is such a great feeling. I write down one house task a day and have been able to keep the house clean by doing a little every day, which leads me into my next helpful tip.
Adopt the FlyLady Method:
FlyLady is all about starting routines in your life to simplify keeping a clean house. But the best part about it for me is that it doesn’t take much time- 15 minutes a day is all that’s required. FlyLady also has some great tips on having a successful morning and evening routine to set yourself up for success both throughout the day and into the next.
I’ve been on the decluttering journey for well over a year now, yet I still feel like we have so much stuff! Chase has been awesome to jump on the bandwagon with me and get serious about paring down. In the last few weeks, I’ve gone through our laundry room, most of the kitchen cabinets that were getting too full, and the junk drawers. And Chase has sold more things from the garage than I can count!
Take Vitamins/Supplements:
I’ve added B-12 to my usual vitamin routine, and I drink CALM in the evenings quite often. I realize for some it will take prescription medication and that is totally FINE! For me, adding these natural supplements that aid in calming have been a big help.
Say “No”:
Unfortunately, “FOMO” is an actual term in our dictionary these days. The fear of missing out will keep us doing things we don’t really want to do and buying things we don’t really want to buy- this only adds to anxiety. Just say “No”- I’ve learned that giving myself permission to only take part in things that will calm my nerves is important in this stage (I realize I will need to get myself out of my comfort zone in the future, but for now, this is helping).
Learn and Better Yourself:
I’ve been listening to Tedx Talks throughout my day while I work or do tasks around the house. I’m the type of person who’s mind is constantly going, so learning about positive things has been a good change for me. And hearing about other people’s good ideas motivates me to doing better things myself!
Limit Social Media:
We all are guilty of doing some bragging on social media- it’s the nature of the game, posting about the best parts of our lives. But when you feel overwhelmed, seeing how “easy” it is for someone else is not helpful at all. Limiting how much you’re on those platforms can help redirect your mind to healthier thoughts.
Drink Warm Water:
I love coffee and could drink it all day long- so drinking water at a hotter temperature has tricked me into drinking more! I also think that it has a calming effect since it’s warm and cozy. I fill my 20 ounce Yeti many times throughout the day. I don’t know anything scientific on this one, but for me it’s been working!
These opinions are all my own, and I know may not help everyone. I think there is a time and place for medication, but these small acts have made a huge impact for me lately so I wanted to share in case anyone else is feeling a bit frazzled!
Do these sound like things that would help you in your life?