I hope everyone had a great Fourth of July! We had a relaxing weekend in the mountains- Sun Valley is a beautiful place.
Friday, we left bright and early so we could get a hike in before making it into Sun Valley. I wanted a good view of the Sawtooth Mountains, so we decided to hike to Fish Creek by Redfish Lake. The view was PERFECT. On our way back to the car, the hike got interesting- Chase noticed smoke clouds right over the mountain and we were just SURE we would die in a roaring inferno of a forest fire that day- or at least get back to a charred Jeep! But I guess we over exaggerated the distance (just a bit!)- we did get pretty close to the fire as we finished our drive into Ketchum, though. We later found out it was the beginning of the Hell Roaring Fire which is still burning (sad, right?!)
Saturday, we biked from Hailey to Ketchum and back again! 25.5 miles later…. But we had fun exploring Ketchum, eating lunch at Bigwood Bread, and people watching (creepers, I know…) In the evening, we went to a concert at the Sun Valley Pavilion- a Beatles Tribute band, The Fab Four!
Thanks for stopping by!