Last night we had a lovely dinner with aunts and uncles. Family time is very precious and one reason it is that to me is because I enjoy listening to the stories, advice, and opinions shared. The topic of goals came up and it was mentioned to keep goals attainable. I know goals are incredibly important, but even more important is making sure the goals are SMART, which is as follows:
Back in college we learned about SMART goals, and I never really cared all to much then. But now with my goals changing from the grade I would get in a class to the future of my career, our house projects, and even the blog, I know I need to reevaluate. I also feel like time is flying by; it’s like summer is drawing to a close already.
I realize it is not even close to Fall yet, but maybe it’s because we only have a week or so left in July and once August hits there is only a few weeks before school starts! On a side note, this is the first fall where I won’t be going back to classes and it is a very strange feeling!
So back to goals- I don’t want to waste time just floating along working or posting on the blog. I need to keep my goals in mind but make sure they are reachable! So for July, I have a few very attainable goals. I want to finish a crochet project I am working on and I want to finish a book I have started, The Girl on the Train. My goals for the Fall include learning even more in my position as a manager in training at Anthropologie and see where that takes me, and focus on posting here more often and more creatively. I want to make sure that Newman’s Nest is a place that will cultivate inspiration not just for myself but for others as well! And as for a house goal, I would like to finally add the cabinet hardware to our kitchen cabinets.
So now that I have shared my goals, I hope you will all hold me accountable! Do you have any goals?